Water Shortage Levels of Action

The MPWD's WSCP contains six standard water shortage levels of up to 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 50-, and greater than 50-percent shortages. A systematic approach and framework were developed for the MPWD’s 2020 WSCP, which included the necessary flexibility for MPWD and practical, initial voluntary conservation levels, followed by mandatory water rationing in response to increasingly severe water shortages. MPWD’s shortage levels align with its response actions that will be implemented to meet the severity of future shortages.

Shortage Level
% Shortage Range
Shortage Response Actions

Normal: Condition exists when MPWD notifies its water users that no supplyreductions are anticipated.

to 10

Water Supply Shortage: Condition exists when the MPWD notifies its water users that due to drought or other supply reductions, a consumer demand reduction of up to 10% is necessary.

to 20

Water Warning: Condition exists when MPWD notifies its water users that due to drought or other supply reductions, a consumer demand reduction of up to 20% is necessary.

to 30

Water Restricted: Condition exists when MPWD declares a water shortage restricted condition pursuant to California Water Code section 350 and notifies its residents and businesses that up to 30% consumer demand reduction is required.

to 40

Water Crisis: Condition exists when MPWD declares a water shortage emergency condition pursuant to California Water Code section 350 and notifies its residents and businesses that up to 40% consumer demand reduction is required.

to 50

Water Emergency: Condition exists when MPWD declares a water shortage emergency condition pursuant to California Water Code section 350 and notifies its residents and businesses that up to 50% consumer demand reduction is required.


Extreme Emergency: Condition exists when MPWD declares a water shortage emergency condition pursuant to California Water Code section 350 and notifies its residents and businesses that greater than 50% consumer demand reduction is required.