Level 1 Water Alert in Effect

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JUNE 2023: Due to the State of California’s improved water supply, Governor Newsom has announced a relaxation of the need for many drought restrictions, and ended the voluntary 15% conservation targets. In accordance with this announcement and with the expiration of the corresponding SWRCB emergency regulations, the Mid-Peninsula Water District Board of Directors approved a resolution to move from Level 2 of the MPWD Water Shortage Contingency Plan back to Level 1. This includes the lifting of provisions that restrict MPWD customers to irrigating only three days a week.

However, the statewide declaration of drought emergency and its prohibitions of wasteful uses of water, such as watering decorative grass on commercial, industrial, and institutional properties including HOA common areas, remain in effect. MPWD would like to encourage customers to continue making water efficiency their California Way of Life to help us prepare for future droughts.

MPWD would like to thank the community for its response to the recent drought and taking advantage of available resources – such as MPWD rebate programs and the Water Watch – to optimize water usage. For more information on SWRCB's Water Conservation Emergency Regulations, please CLICK HERE.