Water Conservation Emergency Regulations

The State Water Board finds that an emergency exists due to severe drought conditions and that adoption of emergency regulations is necessary. During 2021, Governor Newsom proclaimed a drought state of emergency for all counties in California, culminating, to date, with his October 19, 2021 proclamation, urging Californians to step up their water conservation efforts. Immediate action is needed to ensure all Californians are taking sufficient actions to conserve water and preserve the State’s water supply. On January 4, 2022, the State Water Board adopted an emergency regulation by resolution. On January 18, 2022, the emergency regulation became effective. It will remain in effect for one year from the effective date, unless the State Water Board acts to end, modify, or readopt it.

Emergency Regulation Requirements (more in the documents below)

  • Turn off decorative water fountains
  • Turn off/pause your irrigation system when it's raining and for two days after rain
  • Use an automatic shutoff nozzle on your water hose
  • Use a broom, not water, to clean sidewalks and driveways
  • Give trees just what they need: avoid overwatering

Emergency Regulation Documents